Published on September 20, 2004 By CHRISTIAN_URICOECHEA In International
ALEMANIA POLÍTICAMENTE EN EL MUNDO : Con los Estados Unidos , Alemania mantiene estrechas y firmes relaciones que son de vital importancia para su seguridad .Ellas han dado origen a lo largo de más de tres decenios , a la fomación orgánica de una sólida amistad basada en una escala comúnde valores y en una identidad de intereses a largo plazo .Esta coincidencia de objetivos condiciona una estrecha colaboración tanto dentro de la alianza y de la política de seguridad y la alianza y de todas las cuestiones relacionadas con Berlín , como así tambien en la política exterior , comercial y monetaria al igual que en todas las conferencias internacionales en las que participan los dos países . Entre Alemania y Francia , la política de de reconciliación iniciada por Adenauer y el tratado de amistad que él mismo firmara con de Gaulle en 1963 han sido la base de una cordial cooperación .El sistema de consultas periódicas previstas en este tratado se ido volviendo cada vez más fírme y seguro . Especial importancia tienen las reuniones semestrales de los jefes de estado y de gobierno asistidos por una serie de ministros de diferentes campos .La política de ambos países es coordinada en cada vez más campos , inclusive el de la seguridad , en aras de una mejor cooperación en la comunidad Europea. Tambien con los demás países occidentales mantiene Alemania amistosas relaciones bilaterales . Especialmente la colaboración del Reino Unido se ha ido ampliando y profundizando permanentemente .Los jefes de gobierno de ambos países se reunen una vez cada seis meses . De la misma manera , Alemania estrechamente vinculada por una serie de acuerdos , consultas y visitas , con los demás vecinos y aliados occidentales. La relación de Alemania con los países del este de Europa estuvo condicionada al comienzo,por la confrontación del bloque orienal y el occidental . En 1955 se establecieron relaciones diplomáticas con la Unión Soviética .Con la iniciación de los esfuerzos de distención a nivel mundial , se abrió la posibilidad de complementar la política de la incorporación definitiva de Alemania en la alianza occidental mediante una política orientada hacia a la normalización y al establecimieno de buenas relaciones de vecindad en la política con los países del este . Uno de los primeros pasos en este dirección fue la iniciación de relaciones diplomáticas con Rumania en 1967. En 1970 ,se firmó en Moscú un tratado entre Alemania y la Unión Soviética en virtud del cual ambos países se comprometían a renunciar al uso de la fuerza y a la solución pacífica de las controversias .Las fronteras existentes en Europa fueron aceptadas como inmodificables .En una "carta sobre la unidad Alemana" , entregada por el gobierno federal con motivo de la firma de este tratado , se decia expresamente "este tratado no contradice el objetivo político de la República Federal de Alemania en el sentido de procurar una situación de paz en Europa sobre la base de que el pueblo alemán pueda conseguir su unidad a travéz de su libre autodeterminación ".
on Sep 20, 2004
"If" your going to post, please do so in english so that us idiots who don't read your language can at least understand what it is your trying to say!
on Sep 20, 2004
Let's not be rude Drmiller.

CHRISTIAN_URICOECHEA- Usted habla en ingles? Preferimos escribir en ingles. En el futuro, escribo en ingles por favor, porque drmiller no lee en espanol. Gracias.
on Sep 20, 2004
drmiler this is for you:

Translation courtesy of

GERMANY POLITICALLY IN THE WORLD: With the United States, Germany maintains narrow and firm relations that are of vital importance for their security Ellas have given origin throughout more than three decades, to the organic fomación of a solid friendship based on a scale comúnde values and in an identity of long term interests Esta coincidence of objectives as much conditions one narrow collaboration within the alliance and of the policy of security and the alliance and of all the questions related to Berlin, like thus also in the foreign policy, commercial and monetary like in all the international conferences in which countries participate both. Between Germany and France, the treaty and policy of reconciliation initiated by Adenauer of friendship that he himself signed with of Gaulle in 1963 have been the base of a warm cooperation El system of anticipated periodic consultations in this treaty been returning more and more fírme and surely. Special importance has the semester meetings of the Chiefs of State and of government attended by a series of ministers of different fields La political from both countries it is coordinated in more and more fields, including the one of the security, for the sake of one better cooperation in the European Community. Also with the other friendly western countries it maintains Germany bilateral relations. Specially the collaboration of the United Kingdom has been extended and deepening Los permanently heads of government of both countries reunen once every six months. In the same way, closely tie Germany by a series in agreements, consultations and visits, with the other western neighbors and allies. The relation of Germany with the countries of the east of Europe was conditional in the beginning, by the confrontation of the orienal block and the western one. In 1955 diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union settled down Con the initiation of the efforts of distención at world-wide level, the possibility was opened of complementing the policy of the definitive incorporation of Germany in the western alliance by means of a policy oriented towards a the normalization and to the establecimieno of good relations of vicinity in the policy with the countries of the east. One of the first passages in this direction was the initiation of diplomatic relations with Rumania in 1967. In 1970,se signed in Moscow a treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union by virtue of as both countries were committed to resign to the use of the force and to the pacific solution of the existing border controversies Las in Europe "carta on the Alemana" unit was accepted like inmodificables En one; , given by the federal government in the occasion of the signing of this treaty, decia specifically "este treaty does not contradict the political objective of the Federal Republic of Germany in the sense to try a situation of peace in Europe on the base of which the German town can obtain to its unit to travéz of its free self-determination ".

on Sep 20, 2004
Wow thats a good translation. The one was bad
on Sep 20, 2004
Well there are still some words in Spanish but you can get the jest of it, Alemania is Spanish for Germany.
on Sep 20, 2004
Some of those words should have translated easily though.. ella... it couldn't do ella? They. how hard is that to translate.
on Sep 20, 2004
Not hard at all, I don't know why it does not translate one word here and than translates it in another place, maybe because it can't account for context and grammar.
on Sep 20, 2004
He pensado siempre "si Alemania y Francia pueden ser amigos, cualquiera puedo ser amigos."
on Sep 20, 2004

Reply #2 By: sandy2 - 9/20/2004 6:56:17 PM
Let's not be rude Drmiller.

I wasn't being rude. I hope I NEVER show how "rude" i can get to this list. What I said specifically was could he please post in English so us "idiots" could understand. How is that being rude?
Thank you ShoZan. I thought it was Spanish but I never thought to ask you to translate for me.
on Sep 20, 2004
I didn't translate I used the, I can't translate Spanish worth spit, even though I am Hispanic I could probably say more words in German than Spanish.
on Sep 20, 2004

Reply #10 By: ShoZan - 9/20/2004 8:43:30 PM
I didn't translate I used the, I can't translate Spanish worth spit, even though I am Hispanic I could probably say more words in German than Spanish.

Okay I'll cut you a "break" this time. Found a recipe for Carne Asada and tried it.....All I can say is fooie! It sucked!
on Sep 21, 2004
Carne Asada and tried it.....All I can say is fooie! It sucked!

Then you screwed it up or found a bad recipee ! Maybe ShoZan can link a good one for all of us gringos?
on Sep 21, 2004
Reply #12 By: Wingman412 - 9/21/2004 12:55:34 PM
Carne Asada and tried it.....All I can say is fooie! It sucked!

Then you screwed it up or found a bad recipee ! Maybe ShoZan can link a good one for all of us gringos?

Followed the recipe "exactly"! Musta been a lousy recipe!
on Sep 30, 2004
no entiendo porque de repente una opcion de comentar un articulo se volvio una conversacion tan absurda
tipico de los americanos
el articulo me parece superficial, no es muy inteligente dar fechas y acuerdos .no plantea ninguna posicion sobre"alemania politicamente en el mundo"